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|支持及捐贈|Support Us| 加入聯盟|香港自閉症聯盟|

Welcome to visit Autism Hong Kong

Support Us

Autism Hong Kong (AHK) is a non-profit making self-help group.  Since our establishment in 2000 till now, we did not received financial subvention from government or foundation.  All our expenses including websites hosting, printing and promotional activities in River Delta Region are paid by the founder of AHK, Mr. Francis Yu S.Y.


Recently, there are rising concern of autism in Hong Kong and the River Delta Region.  Demand on autism information and services are on the rise.  The Webmaster is frequently visiting the vicinity to meet the needs of a vast target groups.  We need your support to join us as a volunteer and to donate to us to support our activities.


Welcome to join our Volunteer Team or to donate to support of activities:

        Download Form : |pdf | doc|

To apply for membershipAnnual Fee HK$50    

To be a Volunteer of AHK                     

Donation  HK$100 

Donation  HK$500

Donation  HK$1,000

Donation in other amount  HK$         


Payment Cash$                       Cheque (Address to : Autism Hong Kong) Cheque No.                         

        (Bank Pay-in slip enclosed) Bank of China (HK) Acct. No. 012-566-1-014231-0 (Autism Hong Kong)

Name of Donor / Support Organization                                                                                            

Tel(Office)                             _____        (Home / Mobile)__                      

Fax                                        Email                                                            __   


Receipt address to                                                 (Receipt No.:                  )

Correspondence Address                                                                                                                

Postal Code(If applicable)

Enquiry+852-7102-7454 +86-131-8912-8454  /  Fax+852-3020-6276 

Emailinfo@autism.hk  (Mr. Francis Yu) 

Address: Room 2504, Fung Chuen Court, Diamond Hill, Hong Kong (Autism Hong Kong)

Year Plan of Autism Hong Kong

(1)  Hong Kong

1.1       Autism Seminar  – 2 per yr  (2 X 300 persons) since 2007

1.2       WAAD Seminar  – 1 per yr  (300 persons) since 2008

1.3       Support WAAD-HK  – Various Events (around 2,000 persons) since 2008

1.4       Co-Sponsor World Autism Congress (Asia) 2010  – (500 persons) previously held in 2006, 2007 and will be held in 2010

1.5       Set up various web sites (Appendix 1)to promote public awareness toward autism since 2000

1.6       To provide parents and peer help line +852-7102-7454 since 2000

1.7       To publish autism resources handbook on HK and Pearl River Delta Region since 2007 (1,000 copies)

1.8       To collaborate with parents groups and Legislative Councillor to monitor government policy and services for people with autism since 2008

1.9       To promote autism bio-medical intervention through media since 2006

1.10    To organize self rehabilitation and self-help seminar twice per year since 2007


(2)  Guangzhou City, China

2.1  Autism Seminar twice per year since 2006  (2 X 100 persons)

2.2  Guangzhou WAAD various events since 2009 (around 3,000 persons)

2.3  Staff training for Guangzhou Taiyangchuan Rehabilitation & Education Centre, fourth times per year since 2008 (4 X 50 persons)

2.4  Parents sharing of Guangzhou Taiyangchuan Rehabilitation & Education Centre, twice per year since 2008 (2 X 50 persons)

2.5  To organize self rehabilitation and self-help seminar one session per year since 2007

2.6  To provide parents and peer help line +86-131-8912-8454 since 2003

2.7  To publish autism resources handbook on HK and Pearl River Delta Region since 2007 (1,000 copies)

2.8  To support social work students placement since 2009.

2.9  Sponsor and support various Chinese autism websites (Appendix 1)to promote public awareness toward autism since 2000


Appendix 1Websites sponsored and supported by Autism Hong Kong

Hong Kong – autism.hk*, autism.idv.hk, autism-hongkong.com, asperger.hk*, hkmh.org*, hkmh.hk, hkmh2005.org*, hkhaa.org.hk, autism-day.com*, autism-day.hk, autism-day.biz, autism-day.info, autidam-day.net, autism-day.us, hkaaa.hk, pdd.hk,

China – autism.org.cn*, asperger.cn, adhd-china.org*, hkmh.cn, gztyc.org*, gztyc.com, gz-waad.org*, gz-waad.cn, gz-waad.com, gz-waad.net, gz-waad.info, autism-day.cn, (*該網站同時有數據寄存於網絡公司Hosting service)


Annual Budget of Autism Hong Kong(as at 30/9/2009)



Per @ HK $

Total HK $


DNS Annual Registration - HK & CN




DNS Annual Registration - org, com, net, info, us




Websites Hosting + Registration - HK&CN




Websites Hosting + Registration - org, com, net, info, us




Printing of autism services booklet




Autism Seminar – Hong Kong & China




WAAD Seminar - HK




Parents & Peers Helpline  - Hong Kong

$90 / mth



Parents & Peers Helpline  - China

$150 / mth



Web Fax Service  – Hong Kong

$48 / mth



Web SMS Service – Hong Kong & China

$50 / mth



Autism Seminar – Guangzhou




Self-Rehab & Self-help Seminar – HK & China




WAAD – GZ Organizing Committee Transportation




Insurance coverage for Volunteers








Total Amount 

