中 國 自 閉 症 聯 盟  Autism China

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About this Web Site

This web site (Autism China) aims at enhancing understanding and exploration on Autism among the Chinese in mainland China by means of providing information in both simplified & traditional Chinese characters (GB2312 & Big 5). If you have any comments or suggestion, please email to us at info@autism.hk .

This web page was first constructed on the 4 January of 2006 (www.autism.org.cn) . Copyright of this web page belongs to Mr. YU Sau Ying & Autism China ©2006.  The webmaster & designer of this web page is Mr. YU Sau-ying, Francis.   The webmaster also constructed another website, the Autism Hong Kong www.autism-hongkong.com / www.autism.hk from 2000 to 2006. 

Starting from January 4th 2006, a new web site (Autism China) is constructed and parked to the Autism Hong Kong web site.  It is because there are a great demand of service and knowledge on autism by people with autistic features, their family members, staff and supporters.  I hope this web site (Autism China) might be working independently when appropriate partners could be located in mainland China.

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© January 2006-January 14, 2006 版權屬於『中國自閉症聯盟』及 余秀螢  Copyright:『Autism China Yu Sau-ying

版權所有、不得翻印  更新日期 Updated  14 January 2006 聯絡電郵  info@autism.hk


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