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占士 阿當斯博士James Adams, PhD

貝克博士 Dr. Sidney Baker

布克醫生(Dr Kenneth Bock

白斯得醫生(Dr. Jeff Bradstreet)

白賴豪教授(Prof Ian Brighthope

布爾醫生(Dr Timothy Buie

史提芬尼 嘉芙醫生Stephanie F. Cave, MS, MD, FAAFP

瑪莉 高文 Mary Colemen

狄克 戴夫博士Dick Deth, PhD

史提芬 臣博士Stephen M. Edelson, PhD

愛戴爾醫生 Jane El-Dahr, MD, FAAP

 費頓輝醫生 Dr. Stuart Freedenfeld, MD

乔安妮•格林塞博士(Joanne Gerenser

古然普森博士Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh

漢挪威醫生Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD

赫伯特醫生(Dr Martha Herbert

威廉 、贺有德 博士 William Heward, PH.D., BCBA

柯華夫醫生Dr. Karoly Horvath

熊思方医生  Dr. HUNG, SE FONG, M.D.

齊爾 占士博士Jill James, Ph.D 

白賴仁 節臣醫生 Bryan Jepson, MD 

堪納醫生 Dr. Leo Kanner

卡芝尼醫生Jerrold Kartzinel, MD, FAAP

郭士文醫生  Arthur Krigsman, MD 

文森醫生Dr. Andrew Levinson

麗莎 李惠茜博士Lisa Lewis, PhD, 

茱麗葉  馬菲士女士 Julie Mathews, NC

麥簡娜施醫生(Dr Jacqueline McCandless

蒙柏醫生(Dr Elizabeth Mumper)

羅拔 賴達夫博土Robert Nataf, PhD

紐班特醫生(Dr James Neubrander

奧克娜醫生Nancy OHara, MD

彭邦博士Dr. M Jon Pangborn, PhD, CCN

彼治醫生Dr. Ted Page

栢廷頓博士(Dr James Partington

桂格醫生Dr. David Quig

威廉 韋亞醫生William Rea, MD

伯納 倫姆蘭醫生 Dr. Bernad Rimland  (1928-2006)

羅斯耐醫生 Dan Rossignol, MD

仙蒂 舒妮蒂医Cindy Schneider, MD

保羅 沙特克先生 Paul Shattock

蕭威廉博士Dr. William Shaw

瑞、舒克 博士 Gerald Shook, PH.D., BCBA

舒爾博士 (Dr. Stephen Shore)

羅蘭 印地活博士 Lauren Underwood, PhD

奧士文醫生Anju Usman, MD

韋嘉輝醫生Dr. Andrew Wakefield 

塞丽娜•薇德博士 (Serena Wieder)





占士 阿當斯博士James Adams, PhD

James AdamsDr. Adams is a professor of chemical/material engineering at Arizona State University and the president of the Phoenix Autism Society of America. He has conducted autism research in several areas, including vitamins/minerals, essential fatty acids, and mercury toxicity. He led the 2005 update of the DAN Consensus Report on Mercury Detoxification.  占士 阿當斯博士的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


貝克博士 Dr. Sidney Baker 

曾任教耶魯大學醫學院兒科專家,並是[戰勝自閉症] DAN  創辦人之

Dr. Baker is a former member of the faculty of Yale Medical School, where he received his medical and specialty training in pediatrics after which he served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Chad, Africa from 1966 to 1968. He is the former director of Gesell Institute of Human Development. Since the 1970s, Dr. Baker's practice has gradually shifted from pediatrics and family medicine to treatment of adults and children with complex chronic illness. He is in private practice in Sag Harbor, NY. He is Associate Editor of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of Detoxification and Healing, Folic Acid, Child Behavior (with Ilg and Ames), and Your Ten to Fourteen Year Old (with Ilg and Ames).  貝克博士的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


布克醫生(Dr Kenneth Bock*(AAC2007)

布克醫生畢業University of Rochester。他的專長是結合多種不同的療法治療如自閉(孤獨)症等複雜的病症。  布克醫生的詳細介紹 (英文)  the Center for Progressive Medicine in Albany, NY and the Rhinebeck Health Center in Rhinebeck, NY 位於美國紐約的兩所醫療中心的公司網址 (英文)  布克醫生的電子郵箱

布克醫生Kenneth Bock MD, FAAFP, FACN 

Dr. Bock received his medical degree with honors from the University of Rochester. He is an experienced DAN clinician whose expertise lies in bringing a comprehensive integrative medicine approach to complex medical problems. Utilizing this patient-centered individualized treatment approach, he has helped hundreds of children on their road to recovery.  He is the author of the much-anticipated upcoming book, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics:Autism, ADHD, Asthma & Allergies (Random House), scheduled for release in early 2007.   布克醫生)的英文介紹來源 (2007)


白斯得醫生(Dr. Jeff Bradstreet) *(AAC2007)

白斯得醫生自1984年開始從事家庭醫學專科,同時亦是一位自閉症人士的家長,並成立International Child Development Resource Center 從事自閉症研究及治療。  白斯得醫生的詳細介紹 (英文)  International Child Development Resource Centre 美國一所兒童發展研究中心的網址 (英文)

International Child Development Resource Center
3800 W. Eau Gallie Boulevard, Suite 105
Melbourne, FL 32934

Phone: 1- 321-259-7111
Email us at  (

Dr. Bradstreet is the founder of the International Child Development Resource Center in Florida. He is an Adjunct Professor of Neurosciences at Stetson University, Florida and the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Bradstreet serves as an active collaborator on research projects at numerous medical schools. His interests in autism include metal detoxification, hyperbarics and immunological management of gastrointestinal problems. Dr Bradstreet will review the favorable clinical observations and research outcomes regarding the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen in autism spectrum disorders and outline common protocols.  白斯得醫生(Dr. Jeff Bradstreet)的英文介紹來源 (2007)


白賴豪教授(Prof Ian Brighthope

白賴豪教授是澳大拉西亞營養及環境醫學學院的主席及創辦人。他亦是澳洲維多利亞省Swinburne大學整合醫學科教授。他在澳洲新南威爾士大學取得醫學學位、並在此以前修讀過農業科技。白賴豪教授會探討營養失衡以及環境問題如何影響兒童的健康。  白賴豪教授的英文介紹來源 (2007)   Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals  澳洲 - 營養護理藥物公司的網站 (英文) 2007


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布爾醫生(Dr Timothy Buie

布爾醫生是美國麻省綜合醫院(哈佛大學醫學院的教學醫院)的兒童胃腸學醫生,亦是哈佛醫學院的兒科教授。他以其替患自閉症兒童診斷及治療胃腸病變以減輕其症狀聞名。他曾為超過600位自閉症病童進行內窺鏡檢查。他將會討論在自閉症病童常患有之胃腸病變。  布爾醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007)

Massachusetts General Hospital : 55 Fruit Street : Boston, MA 02114 : 877-KIDSMGH (+1-877-543-7644)

LADDERS Program (“Learning and Developmental Disabilities Evaluation & Rehabilitation Services”) of the MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston. MassGeneral Hospital for Children is a primary pediatric teaching site for the Harvard Medical School. It is located at : 65, Walnut Street, Suite 260A, Wellesley, MA 02481, Phone: +1-781-449-6074


史提芬尼 嘉芙醫生Stephanie F. Cave, MS, MD, FAAFP

Dr. Cave is on the clinical faculty of LSU Medical School, has an integrative medicine practice in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is board certified in Family Practice. She has treated over 4,500 children on the autism spectrum. Dr Cave lectures on autism, heavy metal toxicity, and vaccines and is the author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations.  史提芬尼 嘉芙醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


瑪莉 高文 Mary Colemen

   基因疾病所導致的嘌呤 (purine) 代謝異常研究,尿核 (uridine) 飲食補充劑


狄克 戴夫博士Dick Deth, PhD

Dr. Deth is a professor of pharmacology at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, whose research is focused on the role of methylation in autism and D4-type dopamine receptor signaling related to attention. His lab first showed that neurodevelopmental toxins, including thimerosal, inhibit the enzyme methionine synthase and block synthesis of methyl-B12. Dr. Deth is the author of Molecular Origins of Human Attention: The Dopamine-Folate Connection.  狄克 戴夫博士的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


史提芬 臣博士Stephen M. Edelson, PhD

Dr. Edelson is the director of the Autism Research Institute.He has been conducting research on the causes and treatments of autism for30 years. His studies have spanned a wide range of areas including behavioral, cognition, sensory and biomedical.  史提芬 臣博士的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


愛戴爾醫生 Jane El-Dahr, MD, FAAP

Dr.  El-Dahr is Professor and Chief, Section of Pediatric Immunology, Allergy & Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, Tulane Hospital for Children . Dr. El-Dahr’s undergraduate degree was completed at Harvard University and included a year in the department of genetics at Trinity College Dublin. She received her medical degree from Thomas Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and did her residency and fellowship at Yale New Haven Hospital and at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center. She is board certified in Pediatrics, Pediatric Rheumatology, and Allergy and Immunology. She has been lecturing on autism nationally and internationally since 1998.  愛戴爾  的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)



 費頓輝醫生 Dr. Stuart Freedenfeld, MD

Stuart Freedenfeld, MD has been involved in integrative medicine for the past 20 years. Board certified in family practice since 1978, he has been working with autistic children using the DAN protocol for 9 years.  費頓輝醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


乔安妮•格林塞博士(Joanne Gerenser

语言及听力学博士,Brooklyn大学和Penn State大学的副教授,纽约行为分析协会的前任会长,同时也是科学咨询委员会负责自闭症研究的委员。《自闭症儿童行为项目》的著者之一。ABA和语言与言语分析的副主编。Nassau-Suffolk自闭症协会终生成就奖获得者,纽约行为分析协会行为分析奖的获得者。她同时也是Eden II 项目的行政主任。Eden II由纽约州政府出资、专为纽约州的孤独症患者(包括儿童与成人)提供咨询、康复、教育、托养、家庭及小区服务等,是美国针对孤独症最具规模、最全面的服务项目。

(3) 廣州市兒童孤獨症康復研究中心主辦“首届广州国际孤独症论坛”23-25/11/2007 (3/3/2008)



古然普森博士Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh *(AAC2007)

古然普森醫生創立自閉症和有關發展障礙中心,並透過其17個在世界各地的中心,為超過5000名兒童提供診治,評估和行為治療。  The Centre for Autism and Related Disorders的公司網站 (英文);該公司在美國、英國、澳洲、紐西蘭第17個地區均設有分公司,主要從事自閉症和有關發展障礙的ABA應用行為分析治療。


19019 Ventura Blvd., 3rd Floor

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Phone: +1 (818) 345-2345

Fax: +1 (818) 758-8015


Suite 45, 11-21 Underwood Road

Homebush, NSW Australia 2140

Phone: 011 612 9763-5466

Fax: 011 612 9763-5443

Dr. Granpeesheh founded The Center for Autism and Related Disorders and through its 17 offices worldwide, she has provided diagnosis, assessment and behavioral treatment for over 5,000 children with autism and related disorders. 9:15-10:30AM Vaccine Update for Parents and Professionals Stephanie F. Cave, MS, MD, FAAFP The years between 1991 and 2002 will probably go down in history as the most controversial for the vaccine program. Many children were given vaccines containing toxic amounts of ethyl mercury and aluminum, as well as live viral contaminants. Dr. Cave will discuss the impact that this has had on the pediatric population and will give some information about the numerous new vaccines that are being recommended.  古然普森博士的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


漢挪威醫生Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD

Dr. Hanaway is a board-certified family physician with his Medical Degree from Washington University and residency training at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Hanaway is on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and co-founded Family to Family:Your Home for Whole Family Health with his wife in Asheville, NC. He is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Genova Diagnostics. Dr. Hanaway's interests are in the research and clinical application of nutritional biochemistry, with an emphasis on digestion, immunology, prevention and wellness.   漢挪威醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007)


赫伯特醫生(Dr Martha Herbert*(AAC2007)

赫伯特醫生是美國麻省綜合醫院兒童神經病學醫生,她同時任教於哈佛醫學院。她是兒童學習及發展障礙的專家。   The Brain Development & Disorders Project at MIT 美國麻省綜合醫院神經病學及障礙研究計劃 (英文) 赫伯特醫生在其個人網站的詳細介紹 (英文)  赫伯特醫生個人網站 (英文)

Dr. Herbert is a research-oriented pediatric neurologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and at the Cambridge Health Alliance Center for Morphometric Analysis. She is also on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. She is co-chair of the Autism Society of America's Environmental Health Advisory Board.  赫伯特醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007)


威廉 、贺有德 博士 William Heward, PH.D., BCBA 









(2)  2008武漢應用行為分析ABA國際研討會,  (28-1-2008)



柯華夫醫生Dr. Karoly Horvath  (馬里蘭大學醫學院  University of Maryland School of Medicine)



熊思方医生  M.D.


(3) 廣州市兒童孤獨症康復研究中心主辦“首届广州国际孤独症论坛”23-25/11/2007 (3/3/2008)



齊爾 占士博士Jill James, Ph.D

Dr. James received her PhD from UCLA in Nutritional Biochemistry. She is currently a professor of pediatrics at the Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute. Her research career over the last 15 years has focused on abnormal folic acid metabolism and genetics in the etiology of birth defects and cancer.  齊爾 占士博士 的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


白賴仁 節臣醫生 Bryan Jepson, MD 

Dr. Jepson graduated from University of Utah medical school in 1995 and is board certified in Emergency Medicine.  After his son was diagnosed with autism in 2001, he founded the Children’s Biomedical Center of Utah where he treated autistic children part-time.  In January 2006, he left his emergency medicine practice and joined the staff of Thoughtful House Center for Children in Austin, Texas. He is now dedicated full-time to the treatment and clinical research of autism spectrum disorders. He is the author of Changing the Course of Autism, a book that reviews the known medical issues related to the disorder and is due out in July 2007.  白賴仁 節臣醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007)

Jepson, Bryan (2007) Changing the course of autism: a scientific approach for parents and physicians 


Dr. Leo Kanner 堪納醫生

   1943年發現(始創) 幼兒自閉症  Early infantile autism


卡芝尼醫生Jerrold Kartzinel, MD, FAAP

Dr. Kartzinel is a Board Certified Pediatrician who currently serves as the Medical Director of Pediatric Services at the Thoughtful House Center for Children located in Austin, Texas. After receiving his medical degree at St. Louis University, he completed his residency in pediatric medicine in the Air Force.  Dr. Kartzinel practiced general pediatrics in private practice for 10 years until his fourth boy was diagnosed with Autism.  He has since dedicated his practice of medicine to those with Autism and neurodevelopmental delays.  Currently, his research interests include the potential application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to Autism and biomedical interventions to minimize chronic inflammation.  Dr. Kartzinel and his wife, Donna live in Austin, Texas with their four boys.  卡芝尼醫生 的英文介紹來源 (2007)


郭士文醫生  Arthur Krigsman, MD   Thoughtful House Centre for Children

郭士文醫生在『布魯克林紐約州立大學』就讀醫學院State University of New York at Brooklyn,並『陽光布魯克林國王郡醫療中心』SUNY Brooklyn - Kings County Medical Center完成了他的兒科實習訓練,他擁有兒科及小兒胃腸病專科醫生資歷。.


郭士文醫生在評估和治療胃腸病理學(現在稱為自閉症腸炎)方面有豐富經驗,此疾病常見於兒童自閉症(ASD)的身上,他並把這種獨特和不被人了解的一群兒童,透過研究去展示有關自閉症詳細的病徵學(symtomatology)和內鏡/病理性質,他的研究結果經已在美國和加拿大等地,眾多以科學專業人士和大眾為對象的會議中發表。 (中譯本來源自提供網頁中文翻譯服務, 內文並經本網頁修訂;英文原文見下文))

Arthur Krigsman, MD attended medical school at the State University of New York at Brooklyn, and completed his pediatric residency at SUNY Brooklyn - Kings County Medical Center. He holds dual board certification in General Pediatrics and Pediatric Gastroenterology.

Dr. Krigsman has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of gastrointestinal pathology (now known as autistic enterocolitis) common in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and has detailed the symtomatology and endoscopic/histopathologic character of this disease in this unique, poorly understood group of children. His findings have been presented at scientific and lay meetings in the United States and Canada.  郭士文醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007)   維基百科全書』上 郭士文醫生的另一個英文介紹(2007)

郭士文醫生涉及一宗在紐約Lenox Hill 醫院的專業失德的投訴,詳見下列英文網頁    


文森醫生Dr. Andrew Levinson*(AAC2007)

文森醫生是一位資深DNA醫生和調整分子精神病專家,亦是一位瑜家宗師。在各科治療自閉症的療法中,最富爭議性的算是排毒和合療法,文森醫生會引導我們瞭解重金屬,如何影響到生化系統,和怎樣安全和有效地進行排毒。  Vitality Health and Wellness  文森醫生的詳細介紹 (英文)   Vitality Health and Wellness的公司網站 (英文) ,位於美國邁阿密州的一所活力及整全健康醫療中心,提供傳統及另類醫療予長期病患者及殘兒童。

Dr. Levinson is an Advanced DAN Practitioner and has been working with children on the spectrum and their parents since 2000. He is an orthomolecular psychiatrist, a yoga master and the founder of Vitality Health & Wellness, a center committed to reversing the symptoms of Autism and related disorders and the AMRIT Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises monies to help families seeking biomedical interventions.  文森醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


麗莎 李惠茜博士Lisa Lewis, PhD,  

Dr. Lewis is the author of Special Diets for Special Kids (1998) and Special Diets for Special Kids Two (2002), writes regularly for the Autism and Asperger’s Digest and is the co-founder of The Autism Network for Dietary Intervention (ANDI)  麗莎 李惠茜博士的英文介紹來源 (2007)



茱麗葉  馬菲士女士 Julie Mathews, NC

Ms. Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in autistic spectrum disorders as well as a healthy pregnancy and baby. She has been a DAN practitioner for 5 years, and her work is based in scientific research and an understanding of the biochemistry of ASDs and the role of nutrition to restore health. Julie has a private nutrition practice and radio show in San Francisco and works with clients from around the country.  茱麗葉  馬菲士女士 的英文介紹來源 (2007)


麥簡娜施醫生(Dr Jacqueline McCandless*(AAC2007)

麥簡娜施醫生是美國心理及精神科學會的會員。其著作 “Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” 被譽為自閉症生物醫學療法的經典。她曾為超過一百位專科醫生提供評估和診療自閉症的訓練。  麥簡娜施醫生的詳細介紹 (英文)

Dr. McCandless is the grandmother of Chelsey, an 11 year old who has been her primary teacher about autism since 1996. She wrote Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder to help parents and doctors better understand the biomedical approach as promoted by DAN!® Dr. McCandless started the Physician Training Program at DAN!® in 2003, and currently teaches and lectures in the U.S. and other countries.  She is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and lives in Southern California and the big island of Hawaii.  麥簡娜施醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


蒙柏醫生(Dr Elizabeth Mumper) *(AAC2007)

蒙柏醫生是兒科醫生,亦是兒童支持兒科診療中心的主席。她正進行的臨床科研專案包括檢查自閉症病童腸道的活組織切片,並試圖找出胃腸病變與新陳代謝及免疫系統異常的關係。  蒙柏醫生的詳細介紹 (英文)  Advocates For Children Pediatrics, Ltd. 位於美國維吉尼亞州的一間兒科醫生醫療公司網站 (英文)

Advocates For Children Pediatrics, Ltd.
2015 Tate Springs Rd.
Lower Level, Suite B
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Get Directions
(434) 528-9075

Dr. Mumper is a general pediatrician who treats children with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficits and conducts clinical research in her Virginia practice, Advocates for Children.  She is Medical Director of the Clinician’s Training for Defeat Autism Now! and co-chair of the DAN!® Advisory Board.  蒙柏醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


羅拔 賴達夫博土Robert Nataf, PhD

Dr. Nataf received his Master’s degree in Biochemistry in 1979 and Doctor of Medicine in 1972. After this time, he set up his private laboratory in Paris, France and became a specialist in nutrition, Autism related disorders, and anti-aging medicine. He takes great interest in the impact of nutrition on cardiovascular disease, cancer, age-related disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders. In his laboratory, he explores and evaluates intrinsic mechanisms of aging and all biochemical processes which cause the age-related manifestations that we should control if we want to delay aging damage.  羅拔 賴達夫博土 的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


紐班特醫生(Dr James Neubrander*(AAC2007)

紐班特醫生是註冊的環境醫藥專科醫生。他研究確立的活化維生素B12皮下注射療法對大部份自閉症兒童患者有明顯的療效。  紐班特醫生位於美國新澤西州的醫療中心網站(英文)

Office Phone  +1 (732) 906-9000
Office Fax      +1 (732) 906-9015

100 Menlo Park
Suite 410
Edison, NJ 08837




奧克娜醫生Nancy OHara, MD

Nancy O'Hara, MD is a board certified pediatrician.  Prior to her medical career she taught children with autism.  Dr. O'Hara graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and earned a Master's degree in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh.  After residency, chief residency and general pediatric fellowship, Dr. O'Hara began her general private practice in 1993 and began her consultative, integrative practice solely for children with special needs in 1998.  She is the medical liaison for mentoring for DAN! and one of the leaders for physician training in the United States and abroad.  


彭邦博士Dr. M Jon Pangborn, PhD, CCN 

Dr. Pangborn, father of an autistic son, has been studying the biochemistry of autism for over 25 years. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists, a co-founder of DAN, and co-author of Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments. He is adjunct professor of nutritional biochemistry at The Union Institute and is a certified clinical nutritionist. Through Bionostics, Inc., Dr. Pangborn assists physicians and researchers with clinical laboratory tests of biochemical quantities.  彭邦博士 的英文介紹來源 (2007)


彼治醫生Dr. Ted Page

   基因疾病所導致的嘌呤 (purine) 代謝異常研究,尿核 (uridine) 飲食補充劑


栢廷頓博士(Dr James Partington*(AAC2007)

栢廷頓博士是行為分析師公司的教育服務董事。他是註冊心理學家和行為分析學家,並具超過25年的有關經驗。他是治療與自閉症有關的語言障礙的專家,並透過他的公司為應用行為分析(ABA)的治療師提供專業進修培訓。  Behavior Analyst, Inc. 行為分析師公司的網址 (英文)

Behavior Analysts, Inc.
1941 Oak Park Blvd., Suite 30
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 ;  Fax 1- (925) 210-0436

General Inquiries
Methodology, client services, training (including online courses), general agency questions

Autumn Bailey  (925) 262-8523


Dr. Partington is the director of educational services at Behavior Analysts, Inc. He is a licensed psychologist and a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA), and has more than 25 years experience. His expertise is in language intervention with children who are experiencing language delays as a result of autism-related disorders.

Dr. Partington received his Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree at Western Michigan University and received his Ph.D. from Florida State University. He has taught courses in the Psychology Department at West Virginia University, in the Department of Education at St. Mary's College, and in the Counseling Psychology Program at the University of San Francisco.

Dr. Partington has published several papers on teaching strategies for children with disabilities, and has co-authored with Dr. Mark L. Sundberg the books, Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities and The Assessment of Language and Learning Skills (The ABLLS): An assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for children with autism or other developmental disabilities.  栢廷頓博士的英文介紹來源 (2007)


桂格醫生Dr. David Quig*(AAC2007)

桂格醫生在大學取得營養生化的博士學位,他現在是Dotors Data 的副總裁,最近設計和參與好些有關環境毒素在自閉症和行為發展障礙中的角色的研究。  桂格醫生 的詳細介紹 (英文)   Dotors Data 的公司網站 (英文) 醫學化驗公司,在美國及英國均有化驗所。

Dr. Quig received his PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of Illinois. He is currently Vice President, Scientific Support for Doctor's Data, and has recently co-authored and facilitated several studies pertaining to toxic and essential elements in children with autism and learning/behavioral disorders.  桂格醫生的英文介紹來源 (2007) 



威廉 韋亞醫生William Rea, MD

Dr. Rea is the Founder of the Environmental Health Center - Dallas (EHC-D) in 1974 and is currently Director of this highly specialized medical facility with an emphasis on exploring the impact of environmental factors on today’s health and disease. Dr. Rea graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine. He held a general surgery residency and a cardiovascular surgery fellowship and residency with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School system Past positions have included assistant professor of cardiovascular surgery at the University of Texas S.W. Medical School, adjunct professor of environmental sciences and mathematics at the University of Texas, and clinical associate professor of thoracic surgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Rea held the First World Professorial Chair of Environmental Medicine at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England from 1988 – 1998.  威廉 韋亞醫生  的英文介紹來源 (2007) 



 伯納 Dr. Bernad Rimland  (1928-2006) 心理學家

1967年成立 自閉症研究院 Autism Research Institute (ARI) 及期後於1995 成立 [戰勝自閉症] DAN,也是一位自閉症患者的父親,也是美國自閉症協會的創始人,主要著作:嬰幼兒期自閉症:行為神經學說的症狀及關係 (Infantile autism: the syndrome and its implications for a neural theory of behavior) ,是第一位把精神醫學領域對自閉症從『母親的錯』成因,改正為『生物性障礙』,而非情緒疾病,倫姆蘭醫生於2006年逝世。



羅斯耐醫生 Dan Rossignol, MD

Dr. Rossignol received his Doctorate of Medicine at the Medical College of Virginia and completed his residency in family medicine at the University of Virginia. He is the father of two children with autism, ages five and three. One of his clinical interests is the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. He has authored several papers on the use of HBOT in autism. He is a medical advisor to the International Hyperbarics Association, has spoken many times on the use of HBOT in autistic individuals, and is actively involved in research on HBOT.  羅斯耐醫生 的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


保羅 沙特克先生 Paul Shattock

Paul Shattock is a Pharmacist and parent of man (aged 35) with autism. He is involved in the establishment and operation of a school and adult services for people with autism for 25 years. He is the Founder and Director of the Autism Research Unit at University of Sunderland, England. He is the Honorary Secretary of World Autism Organisation and Appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the Queen in 1999.   保羅 沙特克先生 的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)

仙蒂 舒妮蒂医Cindy Schneider, MD

Dr. Schneider is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. Her practice expanded to include the treatment of individuals with autism and other developmental disorders in 1995, and has been exclusively devoted to the treatment of neurological and immune disorders since 1998. She has been a member of the Defeat Autism Now! Effort since 1997 and served on the Research Committee of the MIND Institute at the University of California at Davis from 2001 to 2005. She has developed an extensive database that now contains detailed medical and developmental histories on over 1000 children with autism spectrum disorders and utilizes the insight gleaned from this information to continually improve her approach to treatment.  仙蒂 舒妮蒂医 的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


舒爾博士 (Dr. Stephen Shore) *(AAC2007)

舒爾博士幼年時曾被鑒定為自閉症人士,他波士頓大學完成特殊教育博士學位,現時積極推動自閉症成人教育、人際關係、就業、及宣導等工作。  舒爾博士的個人網站 (英文)  舒爾博士的詳細介紹 (英文)  舒爾博士的電子郵箱


蕭威廉博士 Dr. William Shaw 

營養生化、內分泌、免疫學、代謝疾病及有機酸檢驗,主要著作:(1998) Biological treatment for autism and pdd,;中譯本由:歐忠儒() (2004) 自閉症生物療法,台北:元氣齋。


William Shaw 在南卡来那州医学院获得生化博士学位。Shaw博士取得了美国临床化学和毒理学委员会颁发的许可证书。他在美国疾病控制中心工作六年, 致力于营养化学,内分泌和免疫研究。他在美国史密斯克来必克姆临床实验室工作十二年,研究毒理,化学,免疫,肿瘤受体和内分泌的医学检测。在后的五年中,他担任密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校医学院的副教授及该校教学医院儿童慈善医院临床化学,毒理学,内分泌学实验室主任。Shaw博士现在 担任位于Lenexa Kansas大平原实验室(Great Plains Laboratory)的主任。解除疾患,造福患者及其家人是Shaw博士的宗旨。为了实现他的心愿Shaw博士通科研,临床活动会议演讲及咨询为患者服务。  蕭威廉博士中文介紹資料來源


瑞、舒克 博士 Gerald Shook, PH.D., BCBA 






(2)  2008武漢應用行為分析ABA國際研討會,  (28-1-2008)



羅蘭 印地活博士 Lauren Underwood, PhD

Dr. Lauren Underwood received her MS and PhD in biology (developmental neurobiology) from Tulane University.  Following graduation, she was awarded a National Institute of Health Post-Doctoral Training Grant Fellowship in Vision Research. Dr. Underwood is the parent of a child recovering from autism, and as a result of this, became a health educator and biomedical consultant for families of autistic children. Dr Underwood is also employed as a Senior Staff Scientist for SSAI, Inc. supporting NASA. Dr. Underwood is also a C.A.R.D., Center for Autism and Related Disorders, IRB Board member and a USAAA, US Autism and Asperger Association, Advisory Board (Scientific) member.  羅蘭 印地活博士的英文介紹來源 (2007)


奧士文醫生Anju Usman, MD

Dr. Usman is the director of True Health Medical Center in Naperville, Illinois. She specializes in the treatment of biochemical imbalances in children with autism and ADD. She has been involved in research on copper/zinc imbalances, metallothionein dysfunction, and heavy metal detoxification. She has educated parents and professionals in the US and abroad focusing on the biomedical and DAN approach to treating Autism. Dr. Usman received her medical degree from Indiana University. She completed a residency in Family Practice at Cook County Hospital, in Chicago, Illinois and is board certified in Family Practice.  奧士文醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)


安祖 韋嘉輝醫生Dr. Andrew Wakefield  (倫敦皇家自由醫院  Royal Free Hospital in London)

   自閉症兒童腸胃道內含有:疫苗中的麻疹病毒感染,腸胃中的病毒、高濃度重金屬  韋嘉輝醫生的英文詳細介紹來源 (2007)

安祖 韋嘉輝醫生正面對英國醫學聯會就醫療專業失德的指控 (22-07-2007)


塞丽娜•薇德博士 (Serena Wieder)

临床心理学家,擅长于婴儿及年幼儿童的诊断及治疗工作。是发展和学习障碍期刊的协同编辑、华盛顿精神医学院婴儿心理卫生方案的教授,也是「零到三岁」方案负责人、委员、咨询专家。她与斯丹尼·格林斯班Stanley Greenspan医学博士共同创建了DIR- 地板时间体系。 DIR—地板时间着重于孤独症患核心障碍的改善和提升,促进患者智力与情感的发展,对孤独症的康复模式及理念产生了重要影响。

中文資料來源:(3) 廣州市兒童孤獨症康復研究中心主辦“首届广州国际孤独症论坛”23-25/11/2007 (3/3/2008)



資料來源:本文上述中有關自閉症專家*(AAC2007)的中文簡介部份,自香港『自閉症家長網路協會』- 網址為 <2屆亞洲自閉症研討會2007>宣傳單張,其餘互聯網址及與講員所屬的公司或團體介紹及互聯網資料,乃由『香港自閉症聯盟』 搜集及編寫(更新日期 22-07-2007)


(2)  2008武漢應用行為分析ABA國際研討會,  (28-1-2008)

(3) 廣州市兒童孤獨症康復研究中心主辦“首届广州国际孤独症论坛”23-25/11/2007 (3/3/2008)




© May 2000-March 3, 2008年版權屬於 余秀螢 及『香港自閉症聯盟』  CopyrightYu Sau-ying &Autism Hong Kong

© January 2006-March 3, 2008 版權屬於 余秀螢及『中國自閉症聯盟』  CopyrightYu Sau-ying &Autism China

更新日期 Updated  3.3.2008 / 聯絡電郵 / 網站傳呼電話:(+852) 7102-7454


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