香港自閉症聯盟  Autism Hong Kong

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你的位置  首頁 > 香港自閉症首頁 > 2012 世界自閉 更新日期5 July 2011

本頁目錄:| 廣東省活動| 香港活動| 籌委會| 公開邀請函(27-6-2011)| 日程表|


美國World Autism Awareness Day 網上資料庫

Materials (部份材料有多國文字版本)  

Please feel free to use, reprint and distribute any of the following materials for promotional and educational purposes. However, the content may not be altered without written consent. If you have any questions about fair use or suggestions for future materials, please contact us.

World Autism Awareness Day Logo: 標幟物
.eps format (702kb) | .jpg format (56kb) | .pdf format (58kb)

World Autism Awareness Day UN Resolution (.pdf format):
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

About Autism Brochure (.pdf format):  自閉症簡介單張
Arabic | Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese (Simplified) | English | French | Greek | Hindi | Russian | Spanish

2010 Press Toolkit:

Talking to Parents About Autism Action Toolkit: 向家長自閉症行動資料袋
Cambodian (Khmer) | Chinese | Laotian | English | Russian | Somali | Spanish | English and Spanish Maps

Today, 1 in 110 American children is diagnosed with autism. As an early childhood educator, you may be the first to notice when a child is not meeting typical developmental milestones. When this happens, you need to talk to the parents and urge them to have their child screened. The Talking to Parents About Autism Action Kit contains the tools you need to initiate this critical dialogue. Having this conversation with parents can make all the difference in a child's life! To learn more about this kit, click here.

2009 Ways to Participate (.pdf format):
2009 行動計劃
Arabic | Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese (Simplified) | English | French | Greek | Hindi | Korean | Russian | Spanish

2009 Poster (High resolution .pdf format): 2009 宣傳海報
Arabic | Chinese (Simplified) | English | French | Greek | Hebrew | Hindi | Russian | Spanish

Recommended Books:

Epidemiology FAQ: English  自閉症病理學 (英文)
Autism Speaks and the CDC are establishing an international information sharing network to study the epidemiology of autism. We invite researchers who are actively engaged in epidemiologic projects to collaborate with both Autism Speaks/CDC and each other to help address issues that will lead to advancing our understanding of the epidemiology of autism. Further, we are establishing workgroups that focus on the epidemiology of autism based on different types of ascertainment approaches.

Interactive Autism Network (IAN) Exchange:
  自閉症互助交流網 (英文)
IAN Exchange, is an online community of practice (professional community) for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) researchers and associates. It provides a web-based platform for collaborative activities, knowledge management, professional networking, and learning. The goal of IAN Exchange is to connect autism researchers from around the world and from disparate specialties and perspectives to accelerate autism research. IAN Exchange is a learning community-a place where researchers learn from other researchers and share their hard-earned knowledge and experiences.


上文獲 Autism Speaks 公開授權轉載 (28-6-2011)